
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does product X require installation by a specialized technician?

Yes, one of our specialized technicians will install the product.

Can I manage streaming broadcasts using only the dedicated app?

Yes, the application has been designed to allow the celebrant to manage their shots independently and without additional accessories. However, direct management from the device is also possible.

Can I manage streaming broadcasts on my own or will I need support?

Of course, it is possible to manage the filming without the help of an operator thanks to the automatic direction function.

Where are the footages broadcasted?

The contents will be streamed, according to the needs of the parish priest: on the parish Youtube channel, on Facebook parish page or even on parish website.

Can I broadcast on multiple platforms simultaneously?

Currently it is possible to broadcast on the Youtube, Facebook page or even on parish website. The simultaneous broadcasting on more than one of these platforms will be possible in the near future as an additional service.

Can I manually edit some contents? Can I add titles and logos?

You can manually manage the content also while broacasting. For example, through the dedicated application, you can select the cameras and insert fully customized titles and logos.

Are broadcasting saved and archived when finished?

Yes, at the end of broadcasting the contents on YouTube or facebook will be archived and will remain available 'on demand' for future viewing.
it is also possible to save hi-res audio and video data by connecting an Hard Disk to the USB port.

How many cameras can I connect to?

You can conenct up to 8 cameras

What models of cameras can I use?

It is possible to use many type of camera since our system is compatible with all IP cameras (LAN and Wifi), with many of the Action Cams, with Smartphones/Tablets and more.Click here to see the list of compatible cameras and devices.

What are the terms of the warranty of our systems?

The WARRANTY is recognized to those buyers who present the original purchase invoice together with the item whose repair is being requested.
For consumers, that is, those who purchase for purposes unrelated to their professional or business activity, Legislative Decree No. 206 of 6 September 2005 (two years under legal conditions) will apply.
For other buyers, who usually purchase with a VAT number, the legal guarantees referred to in articles 1490 and following of the Italian Civil Code will apply. (one year under legal conditions).

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